Leslie Schlaegel

Leslie Schlaegel

Company: Royal Electric Co

Job title: Vice President, Talent Development


Discover: Developing Programs to Upskill Our Craft Workforce 10:50 am

How can we move our workforce to different roles within the company and work more diligently on development programs for superintendents? Assess field talent, develop competency models and utilize mentoring How Royal Electric have developed a manufacturing/ prefabrication program that creates career paths to meet the needs of their growing businessRead more

day: Conf Day 1 Track B (AM)

Develop:How Else Can We Capture Knowledge From Our Most Senior Employees? 11:10 am

Where construction workers are forced into project management positions that they are often unprepared for, on top of a quickly retiring workforce how can we effectively capture knowledge and create a cohesive and efficient talent development system?Read more

day: Conf Day 1 Track B (AM)

Speed Networking: Searchlight Lightning Round 5:20 pm

Meet our Searchlight members. In this quick fire session, members will share what they have learned as part of our Searchlight membership. Engage in round table discussion of thoughtful HR StrategyRead more

day: Conf Day 1 PM

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