Rishona Harris

Company: Centuri Group, Inc.
Job title: Senior Director, Human Resources
Develop:How Else Can We Build And Develop The Next Generation Of Talent? 11:10 am
With often long hours, little room for flexibility and sometimes unsafe working conditions, how can we change the perceptions of the construction industry to set it up for future success?Read more
day: Conf Day 1 Track C (AM)
Discover:Mapping Out the Next Gen Talent Funnel 10:50 am
How can we grow and scale and ensure we are ahead of the pipeline? Map out where your current pipeline is current from and be intentional about sourcing from a range of areas How Centuri Group have mapped out their current pipelines and are tapping into hidden workforces while diversifying their current workforceRead more
day: Conf Day 1 Track C (AM)