Stephen Hunt

Stephen Hunt

Company: Gray Construction

Job title: Manager, Training and Development


Discover: Constructing an Internal University Program Tied to Homegrown Career Frameworks 10:30 am

How do we increase engagement with our training and development programs? How Gray has built a human-centered internal university that utilizes personalized career frameworks and course catalogs tailored to each role in the company, displaying the skills required and recommended training pathways to advance in the organization, and how these efforts have led to a…Read more

day: Conf Day 1 Track B (AM)

Develop:How Else Can We Capture Knowledge From Our Most Senior Employees? 11:10 am

Where construction workers are forced into project management positions that they are often unprepared for, on top of a quickly retiring workforce how can we effectively capture knowledge and create a cohesive and efficient talent development system?Read more

day: Conf Day 1 Track B (AM)

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