Willy Pegues

Willy Pegues

Company: McCownGordon Construction

Job title: Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Discover:What is DEI? Separating the Impact VS the Concept 11:30 am

How can we break the negative rhetoric around DEI and help people to understand what the concept looks like in practice? Have clarity on the DEI framework and your organizations execution of it How McCownGordon Construction are analyzing their organization thinks and acts about DE&I and paying attention to unintentional habits that may perpetuate negative…Read more

day: Conf Day 2 Track B

Develop:: How are you going to increase opportunities for minority workforces in construction? 12:10 pm

With 80% of construction jobs being held by men, and women representing just 3% of the workforce on site, how can we fill roles by helping women to work in construction? How can we see potential in women to fill roles that were previously restricted and reserved for men?Read more

day: Conf Day 2 Track B

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