Rebecca Moussazadeh

Company: Limbach Co.
Job title: Associate Vice President & Senior People & Culture Business Partner
Discover: Driving Change in HR – Moving Away from the ‘Admin Team’ 12:50 pm
How can we drive positive perceptions of HR and effect real change, aside from administrative processes Change your HR departments structure, hire a ‘People & Culture’ Business Partner role How Limbach have invested in a People & Culture Business Partner role which has enabled them to meet with employees, forward plan make accommodations, enhance overall…Read more
day: Conf Day 1 Track B (pm)
Develop:How Else Can We Control And Impact Our Organization’s Culture? 1:30 pm
How can we decrease disconnect between our craft and salaried workforce? How can we utilize culture pulse checks to ensure that the our employees have positive relationships? How are other construction organizations set up for connectivity – do they have staff members dedicated to culture?Read more
day: Conf Day 1 Track B (pm)