8:00 am Registration & Networking

8:55 am What it Takes to Make a LEAP a Reality

9:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

9:10 am Panel: Future of Construction Strategy Panel

  • Myra Ebarb Vice President of People & Perks, Sachse Construction
  • Steve Cunningham Chief People Officer, TDIndustries
  • Rod Branch Chief Human Resources Officer, Arcxis
  • Jaime Elgas Vice President and Sr. Director of Talent Management, JE Dunn Construction
  • Angel Handlon Corporate Director of Human Resources, Total-Western
  • Katie Peacocke Vice President, Human Resources, Smith Douglas Homes


This session will equip you with the tools you need to advance your recruitment, retainment, upskilling and more. Leave with immediately actionable insights on how Contractors are are engaging with their workforce and increasing efficiency for the future

9:50 am Action:How are you going to prepare for the future needs of your organization?


Discuss in your round tables ways that you can take these insights back to your own organization such as:

  • Implementing flexible schedules where possible
  • Highlighting progression opportunities for our staff
  • Attracting the next generation of hourly workers
  • Creative recruitment marketing strategy Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:10 am Speed Networking Break

Attracting Top Construction Talent

11:10 am Discover: Recruiting the Amteck Way, Attracting Talent Through Your Story


  • How can we find candidates who are genuinely passionate about the work we are doing, who are more likely to stay long term?
  • Attract talent rather than find it
  • How Amteck have created a list of values and are using these in recruitment marketing, honing in on their story and creating interest around the company, rather than head hunting talent

11:30 am Discover: ttracting Diverse Talent Through Early Exposure

  • Lance Harrel Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Master Builders' Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc.


  • How can we attract diverse talent into the construction industry?
  • Create feelings of belonging, and show people from an early age that they do fit in
  • How Master Builders’ Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc. are leading a ‘boots on the ground; campaign, exposing diverse talent to the construction industry at an early age, planting the seed and subsequent feelings of belonging

11:50 am Develop:How Else Can We Ensure That We Are Recruiting Passionate, Quality Talent?

  • Lance Harrel Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Master Builders' Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc.
  • David Barnett Recruiting Manager, Amteck, LLC


With a significant gap between the demand for skilled workers and the available workforce on top of many

experienced workers are retiring, how can we prevent project delays and increased costs?

12:10 pm Action:What Are You Going To Change About The Way You Find Quality Talent?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

Developing Home Grown Construction Craft Workers

11:10 am Discover: Constructing an Internal University Program Tied to Homegrown Career Frameworks

  • Stephen Hunt Manager, Training and Development, Gray Construction


  • How do we increase engagement with our training and development programs?
  • How Gray has built a human-centered internal university that utilizes personalized career frameworks and course catalogs tailored to each role in the company, displaying the skills required and recommended training pathways to advance in the organization, and how these efforts have led to a 70% increase in team member engagement while benefitting talent acquisition efforts and retention.

11:30 am Discover: Adapting What We Know About Training & Developing Staff to Construction

  • Stephen Davis Director - Learning & Development, Archkey Solutions


  • How can we adapt our training methods to what we know about the construction industry and the new generation of work?
  • Assess the employees you have and create a learning structure around that
  • How Archkey are revamping their whole learning strategy; implementing nine box processes, mentoring, succession planning, a new LMS, incentivizing learning and more all from scratch

11:50 am Develop:How Else Can We Capture Knowledge From Our Most Senior Employees?

  • Stephen Davis Director - Learning & Development, Archkey Solutions
  • Stephen Hunt Manager, Training and Development, Gray Construction


Where construction workers are forced into project management positions that they are often unprepared for, on top of a quickly retiring workforce how can we effectively capture knowledge and create a cohesive and efficient talent development system?

12:10 pm Action:How Are You Going To Steepen The Learning Curve In Your Organization?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

Building the Next Generation of Construction Talent

11:10 am Discover:Partnering with Schools to Workforce Plan for the Future

  • Nancy Phelps Vice President and Community Impact Director, JE Dunn Construction
  • Christina Chandler Community Impact Education Manager, JE Dunn Construction


  • How can we create a stable pipeline with the necessary skills for our future workforce?
  • Partner with schools to create a mutually beneficial relationship
  • How JE Dunn Construction have hired a workforce development manager to go into schools and give them the necessary skills required for the job

11:30 am Discover:Mapping Out the Next Gen Talent Funnel

  • Rishona Harris Senior Director, Human Resources, Centuri Group, Inc.
  • Catherine Berry Senior Vice President & Head of Human Resources, Centuri Group, Inc.


  • How can we grow and scale and ensure we are ahead of the pipeline?
  • Map out where your current pipeline is current from and be intentional about sourcing from a range of areas
  • How Centuri Group have mapped out their current pipelines and are tapping into hidden workforces while diversifying their current workforce

11:50 am Develop:How Else Can We Build And Develop The Next Generation Of Talent?

  • Catherine Berry Senior Vice President & Head of Human Resources, Centuri Group, Inc.
  • Rishona Harris Senior Director, Human Resources, Centuri Group, Inc.
  • Nancy Phelps Vice President and Community Impact Director, JE Dunn Construction


With often long hours, little room for flexibility and sometimes unsafe working conditions, how can we change

the perceptions of the construction industry to set it up for future success?

12:10 pm Action:What Are You Going To Do To Attract The Next Generation Of Talent Into Your Workforce?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:30 pm Networking Lunch

Retaining Top Manufacturing Talent

1:30 pm Discover: Implementing a ‘Quick Start’ Period for new hires

  • Dawn Boucher Director, Talent Operations, Faith Technologies Inc.


  • How can we increase engagement with our roles which subsequently increases retention?
  • Implement a ‘Quick Start’ training period before new hires go onsite to a project
  • How Faith Corporation have implemented a two week ‘Quick Start’ period that allows new hires to lean about the job before going onsite, building excitement and engagement and decreasing turnover from 26% to 16.5%

1:50 pm Develop:How Else Are We Able To Decrease Turnover And Retain Valued Talent?


Where home grown construction talent is becoming ever more important to build knowledgeable leadership and project managers, how can we develop programs to retain skilled labor and increase engagement to reduce turnover?

2:00 pm Action:Discuss in your round tables ways you can take these learnings back to your own organizations such as:


  • How can we retain our hourly craft workforce?
  • What can we do in the first 3-6 months to decrease high turnover in the first year?
  • What can we do to retain our younger generation employees who often prefer flexibility to stability?

2:20 pm Panel Discussion:Strategic Debate: How Can we Retain Our Craft Workforce?

Constructing Connectivity Between Our Floor & Corporate Workforce

1:30 pm Discover: Driving Change in HR – Moving Away from the ‘Admin Team’

  • Rebecca Moussazadeh Associate Vice President & Senior People & Culture Business Partner, Limbach Co.


  • How can we drive positive perceptions of HR and effect real change, aside from administrative processes
  • Change your HR departments structure, hire a ‘People & Culture’ Business Partner role
  • How Limbach have invested in a People & Culture Business Partner role which has enabled them to meet with employees, forward plan make accommodations, enhance overall culture and reduce attrition

1:50 pm Discover:Accounting for Culture to Impact Positive Change

  • Kevin Henry Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer, PulteGroup Inc.


  • How can we create a positive culture that aligns with our companies values?
  • Operationalize your companies values and track measurements closely on a dashboard
  • How Pulte Group have developed a detailed ‘Culture Dashboard’ that assesses the companies live data against the companies values, informing strategic action needed to match the desired culture

2:10 pm Develop:How Else Can We Control And Impact Our Organization’s Culture?

  • Kevin Henry Executive Vice President & Chief People Officer, PulteGroup Inc.
  • Rebecca Moussazadeh Associate Vice President & Senior People & Culture Business Partner, Limbach Co.


How can we decrease disconnect between our craft and salaried workforce? How can we utilize culture pulse checks to ensure that the our employees have positive relationships? How are other construction organizations set up for connectivity – do they have staff members dedicated to culture?

2:30 pm Action:How are you going to enhance your organizations culture?


The industry is harshly divided into corporate and floor workers, how can we change this us VS them mentality to build a culture of trust and harmony between our two distinct categories of workers?

  • How can we create synergy or shared goals between corporate and blue collar workers?
  • How can we create proximity between these workers?
  • Can we re-examine the way hourly workers are treated/ have exposure to be more similar to those in the corporate environment?

Re-Assessing Organizational Structure to Increase Efficiencies

1:30 pm Discover:Streamlining Communication within the Business

  • Milton Hardy Director of Human Resources, Fort Myer Construction Co.


  • How can we increase trust, retention and organizational efficiencies?
  • Open direct communication between senior leadership and onsite management
  • How Fort Myer Construction are being intentional about their relationship building between senior leadership and their craft staff to increase transparency, efficiency, trust and retention

1:50 pm Discover:Strengthening Middle Management to Create Reliable Future Leadership

  • Rod Branch Chief Human Resources Officer, Arcxis


  • How can we develop our middle management effectively?
  • Create a comprehensive array of resources
  • How Arcxis have developed focus groups, leadership groups, mentorship programs, book clubs and more to develop their middle managers

2:10 pm Develop:How Else Can Our Organization’s Structure Increase Or Decrease Efficiency?

  • Rod Branch Chief Human Resources Officer, Arcxis
  • Milton Hardy Director of Human Resources, Fort Myer Construction Co.


As more women and parents enter the frontline workforce, as well as our increasing desire to onboard next gen talent, how can we change our future focused strategy to make the construction industry a more desirable place to work?

2:30 pm Action:What will you change about the way your organization functions to increase efficiencies?


  • How can we implement technology to increase flexibility?
  • How can we implement job sharing where possible?
  • How can we re-examine the manufacturing shift schedule?
  • Can we mimic the gig economy’s ability to offer casual shifts for our production line work?

3:00 pm Break

Supporting Our Craft Workers with Mental Health & Wellbeing

3:20 pm Discover: Addressing Burnout through Constructing a Culture of Care & Mindfulness


  • How can we help our workforce avoid burnout?
  • Provide resources and break down harmful barriers to help
  • How Flintco are placing certified mental health first aiders on each project and piloting a daily meditating program to equip their staff with the resources to help themselves and each other

3:40 pm Discover: Designing a Comprehensive Wellness Program that Truly Helps Employees

  • Myra Ebarb Vice President of People & Perks, Sachse Construction


  • How can we recognize the problems employees in the construction industry face and provide support that is truly helpful to them?
  • Design an intentional, multi-faceted wellness program
  • How Sachse have developed a 6 pillared wellness program that covers: health, wealth, mind, body, connection and community wellness as well as an optional ‘Enterprise Connect Fund’ to help employees in need

4:00 pm Develop:How can we modernize internal cultures and open dialogue for mental health discussions?


With a growing concern around mental health coupled with rising health care costs, mental and physical wellbeing needs to be on the radar of everyone involved in the industry. Construction workers are five times more likely to die by suicide than the average worker. Addiction issues also affect many of them, leading to high overdose rates.

4:20 pm Action:How are you going to provide more care for your employees and their families?


  • How can we modernize their internal cultures and open dialogue for mental health discussions?
  • How can we increase financial education to help our employees feel financially empowered?
  • How can we provide care for our employees families?
  • How can we increase a culture of health and wellness that acts as preventative healthcare which can decrease business costs?

4:30 pm Speed Networking: Searchlight Lightning Round

  • Erica Roth Director of Talent Acquisition, Interstates
  • Lynn Shaw Vice President People, Brinkmann Constructors
  • Leslie Schlaegel Vice President Talent Development, Royal Electric Co
  • Jaime Elgas Vice President and Sr. Director of Talent Management, JE Dunn Construction


Meet our Searchlight members. In this quick fire session, members will share what they have learned as part of our Searchlight membership. Engage in round table discussion of thoughtful HR Strategy

5:30 pm Chairs Closing Remarks